Lost Or Broken Ford Key Fob? Learn How to Get Back on the Road

Lost Or Broken Ford Key Fob
Lost Or Broken Ford Key Fob

Over time, the key fob in your Ford vehicle can start to work less efficiently. That’s when you need to take action!

Check your owner’s manual for instructions on replacing the battery. You can also try searching for your car keys at home in places you don’t normally look, like the pockets of the jacket or pants you were wearing last.

Get a New Fob

Today’s key fobs do more than unlock and start cars. Many can also roll down the windows and even summon and park the car if you’re in a tight spot. But, as useful as these features are, they can be expensive to replace if you lose your fob.

Depending on the type of fob, you can get a replacement for $50 to $100 or more. If you have a switchblade style fob, which houses the metal key inside of the plastic, the cost can be much more. Many dealerships will also replace key fobs for free or only charge a small fee to program them for your car.

Newer key fobs can also be subject to hacking attempts, which means you might have trouble getting it back if yours is lost. The good news is that Ford now uses security technology that disables the fob when it’s not in use, which helps block those hacking efforts.

If you have a newer vehicle, it’s important to keep a spare key handy in case you lose your fob. That way, you can always find the vehicle and still get to work or wherever you’re going.

Many dealerships, including ours, will replace your Ford key fob if it’s been stolen or damaged. However, if you want to save money, it’s possible to buy an aftermarket fob online and have it programmed for your vehicle. Just make sure the one you buy has a genuine Ford emblem on it and references the correct part number for your model.

A new-car dealer will be your best bet when it comes to replacing a lost or broken key fob. That’s because they have the special programming equipment that many other retailers don’t. Some dealers, such as those of some Audi and Subaru vehicles, won’t even try to program aftermarket fobs because they don’t have the necessary equipment. Some independent mechanics also say that some aftermarket fobs aren’t compatible with some models. So, be careful if you’re shopping for a cheap fob online. We recommend you check with your local dealership to see if they’re willing to program a cheaper fob for your vehicle before purchasing one.

Get a New Battery

One of the biggest reasons a key fob might stop working is because the battery inside it is dead. Fortunately, this is a simple thing to fix with a bit of planning and preparedness. You can buy a replacement battery at many hardware stores and even some big-box retailers for $10 or less.

First, you will need to open up the key fob and remove the old battery. Look for a small slot or notch along the seam that separates the two halves of the key fob. Push a coin or screwdriver into the notch to gently pry apart the fob’s two halves and expose the battery.

Remove the old battery and replace it with a new one, making sure you have the plus side up. You may need to lift up clips over the new battery but do this as gently as possible in order not to break anything. Once the new battery is in place, close the fob and snap it together.

Some key fobs will alert you when the battery needs to be replaced, but this isn’t always the case with older models. It is also important to remember that frequency of use and environmental factors like extreme temperatures and humidity can affect the lifespan of your car key fob’s battery.

If your key fob stops working, you will need to purchase a new battery and get it programmed at a dealer or by a professional. Most automakers make it reasonably easy to do this, and you can find instructions in your owner’s manual or on YouTube. If you want to avoid spending a lot of money, it is best to have at least two functioning key fobs in the event that one of them goes bad. You can also purchase a pre-programmed remote from some online retailers but be careful — most of these companies will ask for proof of ownership before they ship you a working key fob. This is a good way to prevent potential thieves from stealing your car keys and driving away with them.

Get a New Transponder

The latest car key fobs are more convenient, capable, and secure than ever before. But all of that technology comes with a price tag. And if you’ve lost yours, the cost to replace one can add up quickly.

In general, replacing a new car’s key fob can run from $50 to $100, says Mel Yu, an automotive analyst with Consumer Reports. That’s because most of these devices are more than just a remote lock button; they also contain an electronic chip that transmits a signal to your vehicle’s ignition system. If the system detects that you’re trying to start it with the wrong key, it’ll disable your engine.

A dealership will typically be your best option for a replacement car key fob because they usually have the necessary programming equipment. That’s especially true if you’re looking for a newer model that’s equipped with sophisticated rolling-code encryption to prevent theft. However, some locksmiths may be able to program your fob for less money.

Depending on the make and model of your car, you might be able to get away with just replacing the fob battery. In some cases, you’ll still have a mechanical backup key that you can use to open the car’s doors or start it. But if you have a switchblade key, which houses the metal part of the key inside plastic that opens and closes like a regular door handle, you’ll need to order a replacement from the dealer. And that could cost between $200 and $300.

Another way to cut the costs of replacing a key fob is to have an extra one on hand in case you lose yours. Check your insurance policy, auto-club membership, or extended warranty coverage to see if they cover the cost of a spare. If not, buying and programming at least one fob before you need it is a good idea. And if you do lose yours, be sure to order another one as soon as possible. Most used-car buyers will pay more for a car that has at least two working sets of keys or fobs.

Get a New Key

Depending on the type of car, you can often buy a key fob replacement at your local hardware store. For newer models, however, the dealer is likely your best bet. Dealerships have the necessary programming equipment to program these devices for your specific vehicle. A dealer can also offer a wider selection of these devices than a store, which may be more convenient.

It’s important to keep in mind that these devices can do more than lock and unlock your vehicle. Some can also roll down your windows, summon your car, and even park it for you. For this reason, it’s good to have a spare fob on hand just in case you lose yours or break it.

If you don’t have a spare key fob, it may be possible to get one from the manufacturer or online. The procedure for doing this will vary by automaker, but many provide information and instructions in the owner’s manual or on the Internet. Some dealerships also offer key fob replacement services and can usually program the device for you.

In addition to replacing the key fob itself, replacing the battery is important if necessary. This is typically a simple process and can be done at home, but it’s always best to consult your owner’s manual before attempting to open your key fob or force it open, as you don’t want to damage the device.

Most Ford dealers will charge for this service, which can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand. It’s a good idea to call around and shop prices before going to the dealership, as you might be able to find an independent mechanic or locksmith who can perform this task for much less.

Buying two is generally a good idea if you’re in the market for a new Ford key fob replacement. That way, you can have the dealership program one of them and keep the third in a safe place at home in case you ever lose yours. In fact, most used-car buyers will pay more for a vehicle that comes with at least two working keys or fobs.

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