How to Use Dripify LinkedIn Automation Tool

LinkedIn Automation Tool
LinkedIn Automation Tool

B2B sales and marketing teams craft multifarious tactics to accomplish LinkedIn prospecting marketing goals. The tailored strategies influence the overall business marketing efforts and open the doors for potential customers to drive conversions.

The crafted marketing strategies help businesses target leads, manage campaigns, and boost brand awareness to generate potential customers.

Managing the day-to-day tasks, such as sending connection requests and scheduling messages to connections with manual means in bulk, can be overwhelming.

The best way to  streamline the tedious chores is  to leverage automation. Dripify, a multifunctional sales automation software, automates every action on the LinkedIn platform. It helps you to find relevant leads, sends automated messages to the leads and tracks the success of the campaigns across a set time frame.

Let’s dive deep into the post and learn more about how to use Dripify LinkedIn automation tool:

What Is a LinkedIn Automation Tool?

The LinkedIn automation tools are designed for the sales and business teams to improve Linkedin prospecting on the network. The tool puts all the tasks on LinkedIn autopilot and lets the customers make real conversations with the leads without losing the human touch. Here is a list of tasks entrepreneurs can accomplish with the tools.

  • Send connection requests
  • Send follow-up messages
  • Send messages to people on a network
  • Send invitations to join a group
  • Send InMails
  • Send invitations to connect on LinkedIn
  • Auto-visiting profiles
  • Extract profiles and company information
  • Inviting people to follow the brand’s page
  • Endorse connections

Why LinkedIn Automation Tools Matter?

LinkedIn automation tools automate LinkedIn tasks and allow entrepreneurs to focus on other essential things more. Here are some reasons why you should opt for LinkedIn automation tools.

Warms Up the LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn sets a per-day limit for sending connection requests on the network. The reliable LinkedIn automation tools work within the LinkedIn-defined terms and perform activities confined to the rules to avoid spam.

Discover Highly Qualified Leads

The automation tools come with advanced filters to uncover the most potential leads. With smart search tactics, one can discover the most qualified leads on the network.

Track Analytics for Informed Decisions

Automation tools present a detailed overview of how a campaign or outreach strategy performs on the network. You can track the analytics with such tools and make informed decisions for better outreach.

Saves Time & Efforts

Searching leads manually, sending personalized messages to the connection, and manually tracking each prospect for follow-up takes a lot of time and effort. Automation tools can handle all these tasks and ensure that you get optimum results in no time while you can focus on other important tasks of the organization.

Why use Dripify LinkedIn Automation?

Dripify works on the cloud and is entirely safe to use. Here are the reasons why B2B marketers must opt for Dripify Linkedin automation.

1) Builds Sales Funnel

Dripify helps in building an automated sales funnel with a human touch. The automation sets time delays in conducting LinkedIn activities to prevent the account from being spammed. Here is how Dripify manages to build sales funnels.

  • Create Drip Campaigns: You can send customized automated messages to the targeted audience in advance by setting time delays to build relationships with the audience on the network.
  • Import Leads: Dripify has advanced filters that enable you to search the target audience based on a specific niche. Also, you can add filtered leads to the campaigns and create an automated sales funnel.
  • Build Prospecting Sequence: The easy-to-control Dripify control panel allows you to select triggers to build a prospecting sequence.
  • Launch Campaigns: With Dripify, you can review the campaign settings suitable for prospecting requirements and launch the campaigns.
  • Perform A/B Testings on Campaigns: Lastly, you can perform A/B Testings on campaigns and test the audiences. It helps you to check which strategies work better for the campaign.

2) Make Conversation Easy to Organize

The advanced Linkedin messenger makes it easy for entrepreneurs to manage conversations directly from the Dripify control panel. The Dripify allows you to:

  • Mark Important Conversations: You can mark the lead’s meaningful conversations as starred to access the crucial discussions quickly.
  • Add Notes to Linkedin Profiles: Leaving notes on LinkedIn profiles is easy with Dripify. You can further update the notes in just a few clicks.

3) Manage Teams From Control Panel

B2B marketers can easily assign jobs to their team members from the Dripify control panel. Dripify also allows users to:

  • Add Members Quickly to Teams: By sending requests, the entrepreneurs can add members to their teams on Dripify.
  • Keep an eye on Team Members’ Performance: Get access to the analytics page with stats and track the performance of the team members.

4) LinkedIn Account Security

Dripify automation tool is cloud-based and assigns a local IP address to the Dripify account. It performs all Linkedin actions naturally; making the account safe for usage. It also provides the following benefits:

  • Human Touch: Dripify performs all the automated tasks by providing a human touch to the Linkedin activities. It conducts the activities accompanied by delays to make every automated process look manual.
  • Daily Stats: You can gain access to the daily stats of the Linkedin performed actions. It also gives regular updates on new connection requests, unread leads messages, and more.
  • Activity Control Feature: The Dripify activity control feature sets the messaging limits to prevent the account from being flagged off and spammed.

5) Easily Download Leads Data

Linkedin allows entrepreneurs to access the leads data by filtering the campaigns. The Dripify scraper tool authorizes you to download the lead’s personal information in a CSV file. You can use the data wisely to connect and interact with the leads.

Is LinkedIn Automation Tools Safe?

Spending countless sending connection requests, messages and manual invitations to the leads wastes the efforts of the entrepreneurs. Linkedin automation is too good to be true and is a smart approach to streamline workflows.

The right and secure automation tools provide all-in-one solutions to businesses and minimize the risks of getting restricted. The automation tool puts prospecting and lead generation on autopilot and makes entrepreneurs shift their focus to other things. It upholds a business to stay in the competition.

Tips to Safely Automate the Tasks on LinkedIn

Here are a few considerations to follow to maximize the results on the Linkedin platform.

1) Craft a Strategy

Outreach doesn’t double overnight. It is expected to grow gradually with the right strategies and outreach plan. Research and analyze the methods to craft the best strategies to automate LinkedIn tasks.

2) Scale Gradually

Linkedin doesn’t approve automation because people use automation in spammy ways. Sending multiple connection requests accidentally lets LinkedIn know that you are using automation. Try to scale the tasks gradually. Start with sending 20-30 requests per day, slowly develop a pattern, and increase it to 50, 70, and then 100 requests per day.

3) Simulate Human Behaviour to the Activities

Viewing Linkedin Profiles excessively and sending messages to multiple connections prompts suspicion. Too many activities in a short period increase the risk of getting the account banned. It is advised never to perform over activities and set delays to simulate human behavior to the actions.

4) Withdraw Pending Connection Invitations

A lot of pending, unaccepted invitations are considered a Linkedin violation of terms. Withdrawing invitations in bulk is not available for connections on Linkedin. Choose an automation tool that withdraws the pending invitations from the Linkedin account.

5) Add Personalization

Entrepreneurs usually forget to add a personalized touch to the messages and send robotic-sounding messages to the leads. Adding a personalization touch to the messages makes leads feel special and improves the response rate. It upsurges ROI and moves prospects along the sales funnel.

6) Avoid Logins from Multiple Locations

Access Linkedin accounts from trusted devices. Logins from multiple devices and locations simultaneously are prompted suspiciously by Linkedin.

7) Opt for Multichannel Marketing Automation

Set up a Linkedin campaign sequence and connect to the leads across various channels. It lets the entrepreneurs take advantage of the marketing and keep the brand fresh in the leads’ minds.

8) Use Automation to Make Use Of Groups and Events

Try connecting to the leads on groups or posts. Post content on the groups relevant to the expertise so leads find the entrepreneur as a reliable source on the network.

9) Check Performance Stats

The automation tools provide an analytic dashboard to showcase the campaign’s performance statistics. The detailed stats and analytics show entrepreneurs how effective the outreach plans are and what steps can improve the overall performance.


Sending connection invites, viewing profiles, bulk messaging, and setting up a meeting call with the leads can be tiring when done manually.

Automation is an excellent way to accomplish tasks quickly, affordably, and accurately on the network. An automation tool such as Dripify is the safest tool to automate LinkedIn outreach and performs actions without risking the profile.

Hope this post comprehends everything about the Dripify Linkedin automation tool. How entrepreneurs can use it safely to automate everyday tasks on Linkedin!

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