How to Create a Cosy and Stylish Boho Reading Nook at Home


Boho-styled everything is the rave for those who want something different from the usual. It’s a versatile style that can also either be traditional or modern. And just like every other type of style of reading nook, you can create a Boho-styled reading room.

Having a cosy reading hide-out is every avid reader’s dream. A reading nook is usually an intimate corner in either a bedroom, part of a closet or whatever room or corner can be converted to a reading corner. But creating a Boho-themed reading nook that is both stylish and cosy? Now, that’s something!

If you want to create a fashionable Boho reading corner or give your nook a bohemian makeover, these tips will help you get there:

Books…of course!

Books are the first set of items on the list for creating a reading nook. But beyond their importance, they are also essential décor items. You can arrange them on a shelf and add accents to the arrangement for extra flavour, like a vase of faux cactus on a set of horizontally arranged books or a picture frame as a divider to separate books.

The Boho rug

A colourful textile rug is a much-needed piece to complete a cosy and stylish Boho reading corner. Put the Boho area rug on the centre floor of your reading nook or cover the entire space with a lush abstract-designed rug. You could also use a smaller area rug to highlight your sitting area in your nook.

Greenery Green

What is Boho without nature? And what better way to incorporate nature into your space than by adding a pot or two of home plants? You could put up a hanging planter by DIY or go for the regular pots and vases. Not only do the plants contribute to making your reading area stylish and eclectic, but they also add warmth to your space.

Lights In

Warm lights will add to the ambience of your corner and emphasise the cosiness of your space. Some ways to introduce a positive ambience to your nook through lights involve fixing a lamp just over your reading chair, stringing lights over your bookshelf or tepee, hammock or hanging chair, and a central light for the entire corner.

Colours and Textures

Starting from the choice colour of the walls to the drapes and curtains, rugs, furniture texture, pots and vases and other knick-knacks, the perfect Boho reading nook should have a mix of colourful patterns and contrasting textures. You could add a cane or raffia chair to your nook, soft pillowy floor cushions for extra comfort and other decorative but functional items.

Hang a Tepee

Like a mini Boho Bell Tent, a tepee can act as a hide-out shelter or your private area in your reading space for when you crave extra privacy when reading. Complete with blankets to snuggle under and comfortable throw cushions, it can be your nook-within-a-nook where you can go to devour your favourite books. Other cosy structures you can fit into your space to create a stylish reading nook are a hammock or a hanging chair.

How do you style your reading nook?

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